Sunday, October 02, 2005

Join my Healing Energy Share

Every Sunday I post on my blog an Energy Share for healers, Reiki or any other energy and light healing modality. I send out remotely a boost of energy to a list of participants. Then each participant does the same, sending out a boost of energy to the group. Once the healing share has been posted, everyone can post comments of their experiences from the share.

Anytime you feel like you could use a boost for the week and would like to take part in this wonderful exchange, post comment. Put in the Subject: line 'Energy Share - Yes' and indicate after the 'Yes' your first and last name, city, state, and country of residence, so I can add your information to the list. Feel free to share anything about yourself and, with your permission, I'll include it in the next post to introduce you to the group.

Feel free to pass on this invitation to other Reiki/energy healing friends and refer them to the blog.

Of course, you can opt out at any time. What a wonderful way to start out the week in giving and receiving!

For those who are new to the concept of being an energy share participant, it is simply a matter of intending that you are sending energetic support to each person on the list and will be filled up to their capacity. Since there are some people on the list who are not Reiki practitioners, I don't mention Reiki specifically in my messages. Only that each person can send the energy in whatever manner they choose. Some folks use their hands and visualize the boost, with the energy like a ball surrounding the people on the list. Others print out the list and draw symbols, while others use imagery to project the energy. Since Reiki and healing energy cannot harm you or anyone that you send it to, feel free to experiment. There are no rules, anything goes.

There are no time restrictions for sending an energy boost; you can intend to send it for as little or as much time as you want, people will still get as much energy as they need (and no more). Whether you do it in 1 minute, 10 minutes, or an hour, the participants will still only get what they need.

You can also send the energy boost whenever you want. If you won't be available to do it on Sunday, then send the energy with the intention that all the participants of the share will receive the boost on Sunday.

For example, if you know during the week that the following Sunday you won't be online or available to send the energy boost, or you were too busy Sunday and couldn't get to it until Monday or Tuesday, then do it whenever you are inspired to do so, using whatever method you choose, and intend that it will arrive to everyone on Sunday.

Then, the energy boost will be available 24/7 for the rest of the week and you can call on the boost as many times as you need!

Mahalo and thank you for your interest and participation.


There is no word for Goodbye
We just say 'a hui hou aku no' (Hawaiiajavascript:void(0)n), or 'ma uriul' (Palauan)
That means 'until we meet again'
We never leave each other.
When does your mouth say goodbye to your heart?



    Dear Madam,
    I was a reiki ractioner before 6months ago.i became a channel on 2002.i could not practice reiki for two months due to my office and transfer things. after that i could not any feel about reiki in my hands and others.what can i do for getting the older stage on my body that means to get the power.i really wondered when i read about u ..many questions arised in my mind.kabbalah,huna seichim,shaman these are new words about me. can u tell me little about these if u have time?

  2. Hello,

    Thanks for posting your comment. Any discussion on energy healing is most welcome and I am happy to respond to your questions.

    First, concerning the other healing modalities, I've written a summary of the ones I teach under the post "Be Your Own Master Healer" (which are listed at the bottom of the page), click here:

    Secondly, as our energy bodies integrate and adapt to channeling healing energies, the physical sensations we may pick up while doing a healing session will vary and change over time. If you are no longer feeling Reiki when you are using it, it doesn't indicate that you are not channeling Reiki. Many people get worried unnecessarily about this. Although Reiki attunements are permanent and effective for one's lifetime, ometimes I'll suggest they might get re-attuned, or get an attunement booster, or even experiment with a different system that could boost and complement the Reiki energies.

    I myself have created an independent Reiki Master initiation that is a self-attunement and attunes all 7 major chakras with the Reiki energy. Everyone whom I have taught the initiaion have reported the powerful results and effectiveness of the system. I've done the same with creating Reiki Psychic and Healing self-attunements.

    Another aspect to consider is that everyone's subtle energy bodies are unique and sometimes are more responsive to the frequencies of other energy systems. Which is why I trained and practiced with a variety of energy modalities so I could pass on the knowledge and experience I have learned. All of the advanced energy healing systems including the use of essential oils are very effectively used with Reiki.

    I hope this answers your questions. Please feel free to email me at hawkgirl327 at (replace the word "at" for the @ symbol).

  3. Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'll be adding your name to the Energy Share starting this Sunday, November 25.

    Welcome, my friend.



  4. Annette Maxwell4:55 PM

    Hi Lydia, thanks for posting your link to facebook. would love to join the Energy Share group been really feeling the need to connect with some positive energy lately. Annette Maxwell Hobart Tasmania Australia.
    much love Annette

  5. Thanx Lydia.but what is kabbalah,huna seichim,shaman .plese let me know.wish u all the best may god bless u

  6. Hi Annette,

    Wonderful! Thanks for joining, I'll introduce you to the group and add you to the list starting this Sunday.

    Awesome. See you then.


  7. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Energy Share Yes please

    Pauline Leung, England UK

  8. Hi Pauline,

    Thanks for your interest, I'll add your name to today's share message along with a brief introduction. Have a wonderfully blessed day!


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