Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Interesting Facts About
How To Reduce Bruising!

Posted by Jan Doan on September 11th, 2010

There is a greater tendency to bruise easily as we age. These bruises tend to hang around longer too. This is caused because our bodies simply do not regenerate as quickly as they did when we were younger. In order to help reduce easy bruising, we must improve our overall physical health and condition. A regular cardiovascular exercise system and good muscle tone will help in the reduction of your tendency to bruise easily. There are lots of ways to exercise to help get your body in the shape it should be. A few of those that you might consider include pilates, yoga, dancing, and low impact aerobic exercise are just a few of the many choices.

The lack of a proper exercise program can actually contribute to your easy bruising. A regular, consistent exercise program can not only help reduce bruising, but it can also reduce your chances of serious injury. Any type of exercise that incorporates cardio exercises makes blood vessels stronger. Balancing exercises work those muscles that support our balance and help with coordination. Now get up and take action. Taking positive action will make a huge difference in the way you live.

One type of dance that you can find everywhere now is belly dancing. It has become a favorite exercise dance. Although it appears very sensual and slow it does involve a lot of conditioning, strength and concentration. There are aerobic styles of belly dancing for you to try. By working hard to perfect your belly dancing skills you will find and increase your cardiovascular abilities. Through this you will find you will have less bruising. So really consider giving belly dancing a try, because it could be loads of fun and help you reap the benefits of a stronger cardiovascular system.

If you have never considered jazzercise, it is definitely worth checking out, especially if you love jazz music. Dancing to the rhythm and power of jazz tunes helps people gain that physical health while enjoying themselves. Jazzercise promotes the improvement of strength, flexibility and most importantly the circulatory system. This aides in the prevention of damage or injury to your skin. Gaining grace and strength will be a huge asset in your overall health. If you are feeling jazzy, then dance your way to being healthy.

For overall conditioning, Pilates exercises the mind as well as the body. A Pilates program can dramatically change how your body performs, looks and feels. It is designed to build strength without bulk while teaching good posture, body awareness, flexibility and agility. Bruising will not happen as easily and the healing process will be faster. This form of exercise is for any age or physical condition. This may well be just the type of exercise program that will benefit you the most.

Yoga classes have long been used as a way for people to seek spiritual awareness. But there are others that use yoga as a way to gain the strength and flexibility needed to reach peak physical health. Yoga allows you to learn relaxation while strengthening and toning the body. Bruises will occur less on a healthy body.

Low impact aerobics can not only reduce bruising but also the chances of injury. By improving your core strength as well as your heart and circulatory system, your health will improve. These aerobic classes are widely available.

By making your heart stronger, the capillaries and other blood vessel walls get stronger making it harder for you to bruise. Therefore your body’s ability to reduce bruising can be achieved through whatever exercise program that best suits you. Once you have chosen your preferred exercise routine, you should also add the benefits of the all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program which can be the final necessary step to reduce bruising easily and stop bruising completely.

Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is renowned as the only writer to have written a complete reference book on bruising, teaching people why they bruise, and how they may avoid bruising. You can obtain for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising.

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