The connection with our past and with the ones that came before us is supposed to help us find the wisdom and strength to pave our future enlightened path, not to be an obstacle to our liberation from the wheel of Samsara. Each and every soul created by the Divine Mind has a value and serves a purpose inside of the Divine plan. Every human soul that received the Blessing of the Living Breath is deemed a jewel or star in the crown of the Most High. Nothing is every wasted or lost in the Cosmic plan.
Whether you accept it or not, we are the biological collective result of thousands of people that lived, learned, taught, created, and dreamed. They collectively created our physical reality through their errors, successes and learning processes. It is an imminent fact that the actions of our past generations inevitably influence and impact the present one.
As a consequence of this timeless connection, the cells of our bodies contain the echoes of our ancestral family memories and they are significant factors that determine the way we perceive and deal with our reality.
Realigning our ancestral process is a necessary reorganization that will allow the release of energetic blockages in one’s life and in the life of one’s children and descendants. It is an intense and deep process of multidimensional forgiveness that encompasses a realm beyond time, space, dimensions and frequencies. It is an act of reverence, honor and acceptance, which will release the old paradigm, heal ancient wounds and clear the phantom pains imprinted in our memory cells and in our pain bodies.
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